About Us

This webshop is owned by AMETEK Sensors, Test & Calibration (STC) which is part of the AMETEK Inc. corporation.

At AMETEK STC we operate 7 manufacturing facilities as well as 9 sales and service centers across US, Europe and Asia and we have more than 400 colleagues worldwide who are working dedicatedly to manufacture and deliver high-quality products to you.

We manufacture a wide range of products within pressure measurement, temperature calibration, materials testing, force testing, hardness testing, level measurement, factory automation, weighing scales, flat springs and retractable cable reels. On this webshop you find a selection of our U.S. Gauge, PMT, M&G and Newage products for pressure measurement and hardness testing. 

For further information about our products please visit our websites: 

Pressure measurement: www.ametekusg.com
Temperature calibration: www.ametekcalibration.com
Materials testing & force measurement: www.ametektest.com
Hardness testing: www.hardnesstesters.com
Factory automation: www.ametekfactoryautomation.com
Weighing scales: www.chatillon-scales.com
Springs & retractable cable reels: www.hunterspringandreel.com

We look forward to servicing you !